White Rose Music

The Cliff Barstow Jig Competition at Whitby@Home

Setting up your equipment

Health warning: It's up to you to get all this stuff right! We will assist and advise, but if things go wrong and you can't fix it in time, we might have to just move on to the next competitor!!

You need to set yourself up so that you can play the prerecorded music and dance to it. At the same time your phone needs to be connected to a Zoom meeting so that both the sound and video can be relayed live to us - and streamed live to the White Rose Facebook site. It is not a reqirement, but if you wear kit (and bells) this will add to the performance. Below are the steps you might need to take - please get in touch if you want any further advice.

  1. Prepare your space for dancing – make sure there is enough headroom etc. Consider doing it outdoors if you don't have room inside.
  2. Download the music and find a suitable device to play the music while you dance. Some of us have found that it is better to play the music from a different device than the one used to video your performance.
  3. There are other ways to do it, but it's easiest to use a normal smartphone to do the video. Set up the mobile phone in a place where it gets a good view of the dancing. Make sure it covers enough height and width to capture everything. Record a test video to make sure it looks and sounds ok.
  4. Run through the dance – the recorded musician may not do what you expect, and you'll have to adapt your dancing to that (sorry!).
  5. Download the Zoom app for your mobile phone and make sure you are able to join a meeting using this. The White Rose jig competition has its own Zoom meeting number and password which you will receive in advance. Make sure that you can connect to that meeting.
  6. For your second jig (if required) you must supply your own music. There are 3 choices:
    1. Find a real live musician who can be with you at the time and play for you (or play and dance at the same time!)
    2. Get someone to record the music for you and play it in the same way as in step 2.
    3. Choose one of the four White Rose jigs as your second jig, and use the supplied music.
  7. If you have any problems or issues with any of this do get in touch and we will advise.
Next: On the day

Information for entrants: How to enter | Get the music | Setting up your equipment | On the day